
work and play

The front page of the Business section in this Friday's New York Times hosted two articles tying work, play and family together closely.  In Sweden... an experiment enforced a 6-hour work day for workers with no pay cut.  The results showed increased productivity for the company due to well rested, happier workers. These workers frequently cited quality time with their families as the most rejuvenating outcome of the change. Not to mention the benefits for the children who had meaningful connection with well rested parents. 

In Sweden, an Experiment Turns Shorter Workdays into Bigger Gains, NYT 5/20/16

In Sweden, an Experiment Turns Shorter Workdays into Bigger Gains, NYT 5/20/16

Meanwhile retirees in the US are finding it harder to let their work lives go... completely. These retirees attempt to balance paid work with volunteer contributions in their communities and build connections with grandchildren. 

Work a Little, Play a Little: A New Retirement Strategy, NYT 5/20/16

Work a Little, Play a Little: A New Retirement Strategy, NYT 5/20/16

Often work and play are presented as opposites when in fact they are more like cousins, sisters. Playworker and scholar Brian Sutton-Smith said, "the opposite of play is depression." Self-directed time and space is valuable and healthful for the individual and the society and should be enabled, across the lifespan. 


And... we're rolling!

​snowball fight

​adult supervision

​This was not here yesterday. 

The playground doors are open and things are going great. Every day is new, a surprise - for everyone at the site - always!  xxo 

Snow Day

Well. IT SNOWED!  

This makes for a beautiful LANDscape.  But sadly for us, the playground was closed to kids for the day and the crew was snowed in at the apartment - with heavy branches fallen all down the drive.   It did make for a great opportunity to interview our gracious and friendly hosts here about their own risky childhood memories.  Hearing stories like these, from the woods, the junkyards, the fields played in years ago, is one of the great pleasures and privileges of making this film. 

Also, have you read this?   Prepare yourself - you may be compelled to shout "amen" from the rooftops. 

We've dug ourselves out and are tucking in for the night.  To be continued! xoxo

photo by Claire Griffiths


Hello everyone, we have arrived in the UK!  I stepped out of the airport to cool temps and a bright sun - it was a beautiful day to fly in and drive through the countryside, passing several sheep farms and lovely rolling hills. 

The temps have since dropped and the crew and I are expecting snow overnight.  We're not sure yet if the playground will be closed tomorrow due to the weather but Claire and I are in touch and all of our fingers are crossed!  Here's hoping for an epic snowball fight on the first day of shooting for The Land

Thanks all, more soon!